Welcome, my name is Drew, thank you for joining me here.
I am a coach, facilitator and ecologist, working particularly in the realms of intimacy, vitality, connection and self-enquiry.
At the core of all my work is the practice of building capacity to hold greater sensation and charge in the body while maintaining a state of relaxed equanimity. Staying soft, open and centred in the experience of life.
The majority of my coaching clients present as cisgender heterosexual / flexible Men, however I welcome and work with singles and couples of all gender expressions and sexual orientation.
I predominantly do my coaching work online, however I do offer face to face coaching and bodywork mostly in London, Lisbon and occasionally further afield. Please see my Coaching and Events pages for details of how we can work together, sign up to the newsletter, and get in contact to book a free introductory call or your first session. I look forward to working with you.
Men’s Eros Coaching: Sex, love & porn compulsion, and Erotic Awakening.
Coaching for Women & Couples
Sexological Bodywork.
Gates of Eros Bodywork.
Movement & Chi Gong practices.
An intimate breath: Freediving as self-enquiry retreat. Tenerife.
Gates of Eros: Bodywork training for couples.
Meeting Bwiti: An Iboga medicine retreat. Portugal.
Iboga online micro-dosing journeys.
Kanna Temples & online micro-dosing journeys.
AloolA: A Solar -Punk inspired DAO Collective.
Forums for meeting with others on the path.
Special offers and discounts from leading providers.
Raising money for ecological initiatives.
Exploring blockchain and regenerative finance projects.
Kanna, AKA Sceletium Tortuous. A succulent from Southern Africa, known to improve mood, increase feelings of empathy and connection, and reduce anxiety. Often taken as a daily tonic, and for ritual practice at a higher dose.
Iboga is an evergreen rainforest shrub native to Central & West Africa. It is an effective medicine for many addictions and resents the dopamine reward circuitry in the brain.
I offer both higher dose journey’s and micro-dose programmes with Iboga via two of my teachers.
I offer the ‘Gates of Eros’ bodywork predominantly as a training for couples. It is an erotic bodywork modality that moves gently through a series of internal touch and stillness forms.
Designed for anatomies of any gender, the forms awaken and build sensation, however the intention is not to achieve orgasm, rather to cultivate the capacity to hold erotic charge in the body.
We will connect the heart and sex centres throughout the form to integrate and align the body.